What is LED Light Therapy?  LED Light Therapy is a popular and noninvasive skin treatment that uses varying wavelengths of light to trigger the skin’s natural healing processes.  LED stands for light-emitting diode. LED Light Therapy was developed and used by NASA to enhance the growth of plant tissue in space, since the lack of gravity keeps cells from growing naturally. The plants responded very well, and by coincidence, the astronauts' loss of bone mass, atrophied muscles, and wounds (all effects of zero gravity) were also reduced when exposed to the LED lights.

LED Light Therapy has been used by physicians, NASA, and the U.S Military Special Ops communities for muscle regeneration and healing of wounds. The Navy Seals’ program found the return-to-service rate was 41% faster when using LEDs. Different wavelengths of light in LED lights, including blue and red, penetrate the skin at different depths. This penetration may trigger biological processes that help the skin rejuvenate and heal.

What are the uses and benefits to LED Light Therapy?

  • Acne
  • Dermatitis
  • Dull skin
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • Scarring
  • Signs of Aging, including Wrinkles and Age Spots
  • Sun Damage
  • Wound Healing
  • Other inflammatory skin conditions

LED Light Therapy has many benefits.  One of the main benefits of LED light therapy is it's safety record. It does not contain UV rays, which can be harmful to the skin. Therefore, LED therapy is suitable for regular use.  Unlike chemical peels or laser therapy, LED light therapy does not cause burns. The treatment is also safe for all types and colors of skin.  

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, most people with acne will see an improvement in their symptoms from using LED light therapy, but they should not expect all acne to clear.

What are the contraindications? What would prevent someone from receiving a Collagen Induction Therapy procedure?  Although it is impossible to list every potential risk and complication, the following conditions are recognized as contraindications, meaning that it would not be safe for you to receive this service.  Individuals should not use LED therapy if they take certain medications, such as isotretinoin (Accutane), for acne or use topical treatments that cause sensitivity to sunlight.

What should you expect during your treatment?  Your aesthetician will perform a thorough skin analysis prior to your first LED Light Therapy service, as well as discuss with you any concerns you have with your skin.  Based upon that, your aesthetician will select the LED light(s) that would be the most effective in addressing those concerns. 

Is satisfaction guaranteed?  It is necessary to have several treatment sessions before noticing an improvement in skin appearance. People usually see the best results after receiving a few regularly scheduled treatments.  It may also be necessary to have follow-up sessions to maintain these results.

What should I expect after the procedure?  In general, LED light therapy is safe. The procedure is noninvasive and does not cause burning or pain.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out!